High Density Stationery Shelving - When speedy and accurate filing and storage is critical, the convenient open shelf design of high density L&T shelving from American Specialty lets the user store and retrieve files or material with ease. This type of shelving allows maximum visibility and accessibility. L&T shelving speeds up storage and retrieval times. L&T shelving from American Specialty is recommended for any size application. Low cost L&T shelving is adjustable to meet your changing shelving needs. The shelving goes together in minutes to save installation time. It can be reconfigured or relocated at any time. In most circumstances, we recommend the shelving be designed to be used on a Mobile Storage System if future growth dictates. This gives the customer the maximum amount of utility and flexibility with their storage shelving. For a free evaluation of your storage needs, contact American Specialty. |
American Specialty 1-800-466-9561
American Specialty, 2109 West Darlington Street, Florence, SC 29501 ©Copyright 2012, American Specialty www.filingexperts.com www.filingexpertsusa.com www.americanspecialty.biz www.gsafilingexperts.com www.atlantafilingexperts.com www.castle designs inc www.salemfilingexperts.com www.screcordstorage.com www.weaponsstorageusa.com www.weaponsracksusa.com www.verticalstorageexperts.com www.modularmillworkusa.com www.georgiafilingexperts.com www.aurorastorage.com |